Comfizz support wear review

The helpful team over at Comfizz sent me a support wear belt to try out as an 'active ostomate' and it was great to be involved with reviewing something from the point of view of someone who uses support wear and has a good idea of what they're looking for. After a few emails to find out what I wanted from a support wear garment, Lorraine from Comfizz suggested I tried out the level 3 support wear belt. This level provides firm support and according to the Comfizz website is, "ideal for holding hernias, protecting hernia repairs and giving extra support during strenuous activity." Unfortunately, a hernia formed during the operation for my first stoma and that stoma also prolapsed, so I wear support wear to prevent another hernia forming and to prevent my stoma prolapsing. I don't have a hernia at the moment and am happy with how much of my stoma protrudes from my abdomen - enough to empty waste into my bag but not so much that it prolapses and causes issues....