Colostomy UK 50k callenge

I'm already trying to be fairly active and the reason I started this blog was to show people that you can live a healthy and active lifestyle when you have a stoma so this challenge was something I was keen to get involved with.
After registering I was sent a pack which contained a 50K challenge t shirt that I could wear when exercising to help raise awareness and a pedometer to track my progress. I'll then log any activity on the Colostomy UK website which can be done daily, weekly or monthly. There's a live counter on the website that shows the total of KM
travelled so far by everyone, the number of participants involved and the funds raised.
This is a great initiative on a national scale to really raise awareness that people with stomas can do anything from swimming to climbing and I'm looking forward to hearing all about what other ostomates are doing! The hashtag for the campaign is #activeostomates
I've already worn my 50K challenge t shirt and look forward to wearing it to other events, mainly when I'm jogging and hopefully answer any questions anyone has about it!
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