Running update

I haven't run a Parkrun on a Saturday for a couple of months now and that's not entirely as bad as it sounds.

I've found that Parkrun was a springboard to other running adventures and at the moment I'm not too concerned with getting a new PB on the 5k distance but looking at increasing the distance I can comfortably run. 

Without a doubt I would not have discovered a love for running without hearing about and getting involved with Parkrun and it was a great introduction for someone who had never run before. I will return to it and hopefully go to some other locations as a 'tourist'. 

I've now done part of both the White Peak trail (10.5k) setting off from Ashbourne and the Dark Peak trail (12k) setting off from Hayfield. Both were organised events by a company that runs events throughout the scenic Peak District. These were the first proper events I had entered and I was really pleased with my times for both, although it was more about completing the course and enjoying the views! I was almost placed in the gold category for the Dark Peak event which was quite a gritty course and definitely the toughest run I have done to date. 

I've joined a run club which I didn't expect to end up doing but it will help to increase my distance and means I'm not running solo all the time! The club I've joined mostly runs off road which is what I enjoy and I'm part of the 'conversational' group which is their way of saying the slightly slower group! We take our time on an evening run and stop every now and then to have a chat with one another as opposed to the more hardcore speedier group that are more about results! I've only run with the club a couple of times but I've now got my club vest to represent them at events and have been surprised that the shortest distance we have run was 6 miles...that's still quite a lot for me! 

I'd like to do some more 10k off road events and keep increasing my distance to get to half marathon one day.

The main thing I need to keep in mind being an ostomate is to keep hydrated. I went for a social run on a Sunday when it was a lot hotter than I've been running in to date and I got through all of my water plus some of one of the organisers! I've spoken to some runners who don't carry any water unless it's over 10-13 miles but I take some even if it's a 5k.

I'm getting into the habit of going for one or two runs in the week (including run club) and trying to have a longer run on Sunday, that's also when lots of events seem to take place. 

I'm logging all of my mileage for the Colostomy UK 50k challenge which you can find out about here and you can look at joining your local Parkrun event here.


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